Pettigoe Road,Clonaweel, Kesh ,BT93 8DD
Two Residential Building Sites
Circa 1.2ac / 0.49 ha
The subject sites are located off the Pettigoe Road in the townland of Clonaweel. Kesh is located approximately 4.3 miles from the subjects with Pettigo Village and the Border some 1.2 miles to the East. The sites are convenient to Lower Lough Erne extending to the Fermanagh Lakelands.
The Sites contained in Folio 85844 County Fermanagh have approval for two dwellings with domestic garages with partial foundations in place. The mature sites are set back of the road with pleasant views over the surrounding countryside.
Planning Permission for the two dwellings has been obtained. We advise all interested parties to make their own inquiries in relation of same.
Circa 1.2 ac / 0.49 ha
All prices are exclusive of, but may be liable to VAT
Offers in excess of £45,000 exclusive
Further Information
For further information or to arrange an inspection of the property, please contact:
36 High Street | Omagh | BT78 1BQ
028 8224 5440
All Images for illustration purposes only.
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